
paybymobileslots| Be careful! There's thunder again! The two companies were warned of risks


Recently, Xinguo has issued nine policies, which are changing the A-share ecosystem and vigorously cleaning up listed companies with financial fraud. Zhongtai Chemical (002092) and Guorui Technology received administrative penalty decisions and will be subject to other risk warnings. Small bulk purchases of stocks should pay attention to financial issues to avoid being ST. 2023-2024 Listed companies that have been filed and have not closed the case in 2000 need to be vigilant. It is recommended to buy industry leaders and avoid listed companies that continue to lose money. Real estate stocks may usher in a market, and favorable policies may become the focus of observation. There are large differences in the market, so we need to wait and see carefully and wait for more substantial benefits to emerge. Real estate stocks may usher in a bigger market after falling back, and investors should continue to pay attention to market dynamics.

paybymobileslots| Be careful! There's thunder again! The two companies were warned of risks

Stock name Zhongtai Chemical, Guorui Technology sector name real estate development keywords financial fraud, administrative penalty, ST stock bearish (bearish) Since state-owned companies such as Zhongtai Chemical and Guorui Technology have been investigated for financial fraud, coupled with continuous losses, listed companies have greater risks, and it is recommended to bearish the A-share market. carefulpaybymobileslots! There's thunder again.. Risk warning for Hexun's self-selected stock writers: The above content is only the author's or guest's opinion, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products based on their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers when necessary. Hexun strives but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun makes no guarantee or commitment in this regard.
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2024-05-21 08:33:25

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